On Friday the 14th of September, we organized our second summer event together with Epicenter! Working like a startup After everybody was provided with a drink and found their seat, the first of the six speakers ascended the stage. Each speaker was asked to give a short ten-minute presentation, and Mike Hoogveld decided to use […]
Maand: oktober 2018
The art of innovation | Guy Kawasaki | TEDx Berkeley
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mtjatz9r-Vc&feature=youtu.be A lot of companies have problems with innovation. How do we start? What does it cost? How much money will it generate? In this Ted talk, Guy Kawasaki gives us 10 key points. Together, these key points make it very easy to start innovating. Just do it.
Long live those who experiment
One of the focal points of my book Agile Management is the necessity of experimentation to learn faster and become the winner in tomorrow’s market. Though major improvements and innovations have emerged from pioneering entrepreneurship, many companies constrain experimentation as they aim at maximum predictability and have fear of failure, thus limiting creativity. However, successful […]
We’re live! – Launch nlmtd @ Good Up
On the 8th of June a group of talented game-changers gathered at the head office of Good Up in Amsterdam for our growth hackathon. The purpose? To help Good Up expand their impact in bringing purpose in everyday business life. You might have heard about this fast-growing socialventure GoodUp that helps organizations, such as Deloitte […]
Even een felyxje pakken wordt steeds gewoner
Amsterdam telt in totaal zo’n 58.000 brom- en snorfietsen, waarvan 108 elektrische exemplaren in handen zijn van felyx. Hun e-scooters snorren schoon en stil door Amsterdam. Yuppen, studenten en zzp’ers maken gretig gebruik van dit nieuwe mobiliteitsconcept van de Nederlandse ondernemers Quinten Selhorst (CEO) en Maarten Poot(COO). Elke felyx-scooter wordt meermaals per dag gebruikt en […]
Service design: van t-shirt naar maatpak?
In mei 2013 publiceerde Erwin Boogert op Emerce het artikel Accenture koopt service design-expert Fjord. Tijd voor een update: Waar gaat het heen met de razendsnelle ontwikkelingen in het service design-landschap? Hoe is de markt in anderhalf jaar veranderd? We zien een ware wedloop. De grote IT-implementatiespecialisten, de vier grote reclamebureaunetwerken en consultancybureaus strijden om […]
The Netherlands: World Champion in Innovation?
The Netherlands is the best country of the world, after Switzerland, according to FD journalist Matthijs Bouman. He states that, regarding competition and innovation, there are only three countries better than The Netherlands. Add the factors around happiness of the citizens to that and the only competitors left are the Swiss. One of the key […]