Mergers & Acquisitions
Realizing Value for Your Company
We cover the entire chain of activities in M&A. On the buy-side, from market scans for potential acquisition candidates to commercial due diligence (DD) and tech DD. We support both financial investors and strategic investors. On the sell-side, we guide companies through sales, conduct vendor DDs, assist with the Hundred Days Plan, and support post-merger integration.

Role in the Market
With our deep knowledge in energy, sustainability, food, and digitalization, we can help companies gain insight into their potential and role in their market. We show how a sale or acquisition can add value and help realize that value.

Future Business Success
In our DDs, we use three lenses to scrutinize a company: customer & market, organization, and technology. Looking outward alone is insufficient. The organization and the underlying technology are crucial for future business success.
Doing It Together Means Winning Together
We conduct M&A in collaboration with your teams: with expertise and enthusiasm. We focus on processes, technology, language, and people. Doing it together means winning together.